Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thanksgiving plans

Today I will make my menu for Thanksgiving. I am probably going to shake everybody up, because I am having "courses". Well, I want to make a soup and at first I'll just serve the soup. You kind of have to have it in courses if you have a soup. It just doesn't work to have soup along side everything else. So, first, we'll sit down and have our soup and visit and then, I'll whisk the bowls away and bring out everything else... which will be..... I'm still thinking.

about that Thanksgiving countdown list.... I love lists, but that one did seem a bit excessive. LOL

from Shelly in Nevada:
Oh my gosh!!! Who makes up these lists?? I'm feeling like this year I'll be lucky just to get some kind of meal on the table. And forget the turkey. My family will eat it once and then they're done. So, since it's just us this year I'll probably do ham or prime rib. The last item should be "go to bed for three days".

Pumpkin pie...yes, I like it. But it's not a fruit, is it? And I only want one piece then I'm done. Luckily both Lorin and Bryan really like pumpkin pie so there's never a problem with it being eaten. Damn...I suppose they will be expecting one to appear for make or buy??? Gotta love the frozen food section of the grocery store!!!

from Barb in Arizona:
Good grief! That list is so long, it would take me all the way to Thanksgiving day to even read it!

from Jolina in Nevada:
I love pumpkin stuff - like pumpkin cheesecake, and pumpkin spice coffee. I like the spice used in pumpkin pie in my oatmeal. I can eat pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream, but here again (I know you already doubt me!) I am not much of a standard pie eater. I prefer graham cracker crust type pies. Cream pies, cream cheese pies, the ones that are really bad for you!

from Diana in Nevada:
I LOVE Pumpkin Pie, Pumpking anything. I have to say I make a pretty mean Pumpkin Log.

from Laura in Nevada:
OK, OK, I’ll answer one….yes, I love pumpkin pie…but I am not a “crust” person. More often than not, I only eat the “insides” of the pie, any pie. And I am not a cooked fruit type person…not to say I WON’T eat cooked fruit, I just prefer it fresh, and when given a choice…like at a buffet or at a function where there is more than one offered…I would be the one that chose anything else besides the baked fruit first….especially if it is chocolate.

from Theda in Oregon:
I agree with Debbie that this is a holiday that I really like. Since it is on a Thursday there is still Friday - Sunday to shop and enjoy left overs. Not sure what we are doing. Last week there was talk of going to the Seattle area to see John's sister. I did not really care if we went or not, but then started thinking about all of my favorite Seattle things to do and became ready to go.
John called from his work on Friday to ask about our plans. Someone has to be the "on call" manager. I would rather have Christmas off and we need Memorial Weekend 08 for Sarah's wedding. So, I think that we will be home. Sarah had mentioned about going to Aaron's family so they could talk about the wedding. Not sure what we are doing now but I won't deny us any favorite foods if we are alone.

from me/debbie:
I think holidays are not the time for denial of food..... so, good for you.

from Gina in Nevada:
My whole family is meeting at my sisters house in Fallon. We are taking the four wheelers, dirt bikes etc. The day after Thanksgiving the guys are going hunting and the girls are going shopping and craft making. Should be good fun.

from Jolina in Nevada:
Have I ever shared any of the ADAMS family Thanksgiving stories with you?

Here's how Thanksgiving goes in the ADAMS family.
* Throw the turkey in water the night before, because someone forgot to pull it out of the freezer. Cook until it falls off the bone, not because we meant to, but because the entire family (except me and the girls) is downtown making football bets, watching the game and drinking themselves silly. I have learned to love overcooked turkey. In fact, anything less seems odd.
* make a few family favorites, such as ranch pasta salad (Mark), green bean casserole and baked acorn squash (me), corn so it can be thrown across the table (an Adams family tradition), mashed potatoes (hopefully not undercooked and blended) and gravy.
* purchase the obligatory pumpkin pie (no way would I take the time to bake one) and whipped cream that no one will eat, either because they are too busy drinking or because they don't like pie. Take turns spraying the whipped cream in each other's mouth until empty.
* play hand and foot into the wee hours.

This year, Mark won't be home, and we are not planning to travel anywhere. Not sure what plans Mike's family has, and we are rarely =invited to my Dad's. So, I'll probably cook a turkey, makes some sides, not buy the pie, buy 2 cans of whipped cream and then sit around and watch the games.

from me/debbie:
Hand and foot into the wee hours!! What fun.
I think every family does the same thing....eats too much and watches football (we go to a movie too usually), we just all have different ways of getting there. Which is kind of like religion. We're all going to the same destination, we just travel on different paths.
ahahhaahahaa... frozen turkey in the water or brine-ing a turkey, same thing if you think about it.

from Jolina in Nevada:
Thanksgiving at the beach! I AM IN!!!

from Barb in Arizona...the only one not doing traditional this year!
Thought you might enjoy reading Kim's Thanksgiving menu!It sounds like a great picnic!!And how about that dream??!!

from Kim in California: (via her mom, Barb. Well, sent by her mom, but it was from Kim to her mom) Could you send me a list of Thanksgiving side dishes? So far, my menu consists of: turkey sandwiches green bean casserole cranberry sauce and the cranberry orange relish tri color mashed potatoes dinner rolls (I was thinking sourdough but probably need to get an alternative for Dad) pumpkin pie or apple blossoms (like apple pie) antipasti (we're going to start carrying a platter called that, with kalamata and green olives, marinated artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, etc. it looks DELISH) I was thinking maybe stuffing (we have an instant kind that's pretty good) and maybe cheese/crackers. of course, beer and wine - I'll get a pinot noir because I've heard that's the wine for Thanksgiving. On another note...I had a couple disturbing dreams last night. You had gotten pregnant three different times, failed to tell me, and acted like it wasn't a big deal. I'd come by and there'd be another new baby at your house! Weird and whatever...
from me/debbie:
and with all this, you'll be at the beach? you'll have to take along a board game or two and a deck of cards.
You'll have fun. Take some pictures!!
oh...the dream. too funny!!!

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...