Sunday, November 11, 2007

The wedding

We're back from the wedding. And what a wedding it was. So, so pretty. I took pictures. Lots of them, and most of them not very good. :~(
For one thing, I cannot see anymore, so I just hold the camera up and shoot. And get what I take.

Judy and Duane Brehm (Judy is a FF, but.....hmmmmm... ...rarely answers) LOL
Their daughter, Stacy married Jacob Saucedo, who was our neighbor when we lived in Los Banos, CA.
Funny, because when we lived their, they didn't even know each other.

here is one shot....of Rich. Duane (the father of the bride--in the background) had just put the Indian Headdress on Rich.
the DJ was playing "YMCA" and he had "props" to go with, so....they were passed around to the first people, and then those people had to go into the audience and give their prop to someone else to carry on the 'YMCA' dance....

Rich, of course, was having a stroke about this time.... he didn't want to go up front and be the Indian Chief. :~) LOL LOL
The DJ was great and had a lot of "interaction" activities.

I will put all the pictures on Ringo, if you want to look at them.
Just a warning...I took tons and tons of the hall as it was being decorated, BECAUSE, it was a "fairground" exhibit hall also, and I wanted to show what could be done to an exhibit hall.
Of course, all the drapery was rented.... but it really transformed the "concrete" room.
And the lights...I mean the trees, Duane and Judy made them out of PVC Pipe and twinkle lights and cotton "snow". Snowflakes were hung all over the room.
Stacy wanted a "winter-wonderland" decor.
Anyway, I took a ton of pictures while decorating the hall. Oh...and Rich and I helped decorate. We put bows in the bathroom. LOL And...worked on the entryway....snow lined.
another note.....when it comes to details, no one can match Judy. IN the bathroom at every sink were "soft soap" in dark blue/SNOWFLAKE dotted conatiners. I'm sure you can see them in the grocery market, but....there were just snowflakes everywhere, and I took pictures---of the bathroom.
Judy and Duane made everything.
"I" can't even make a greeting card.

I'll tell you more later, look at Ringo to see everything....and here is Rich...
Y...M...C....A !!!

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...